The election of Mr. RidwanKamil as the Mayor of Bandung surely has a significant impact in urban planning from the capital of West Java. One of his distinctive functions within the field of gardening only is aware that Kang Emil’s profession is in contact with the design of construction design to the playground: p. However, it’s not only a unique garden by Kang Emil. To be a selfie place. The following is a list of unique and adorable gardens in the city of Bandung.
Barusen Hills Love Park
Barusen Hills is renowned because of its iconic love park, moreover that there’s also a swimming pool that’s situated at an altitude, so it provides another swimming sensation.
The Love Park in Barusen Hills is very suitable for Boboers who are looking for a romantic excursion that really works like that. Just envision beautiful colorful flowers arranged in a heart-shaped shape, it is actually cute. Additionally, love-shaped bamboo bridges are facing the hills. This place is little!
The HTM into the Barusen Hills itself is very Affordable, only IDR 15,000. The hours are Monday to Sunday, from 08.00 to 17.00 WIB.
Jl. CiwideyMargamulya, RT. 1 / RW. 6,
Ciwidey Mushroom Park
Still, in the Ciwidey region, there is another park that does not contain flowering trees, but the kind of pine trees in the garden is very similar to mushrooms.
Besides being known as the Mushroom Park, this place can also be referred to as mushroom hill due to its location in the contour of the uneven ground. Green trees and cold air make this area a pity to miss with no photos, particularly around the city there is also a tea factory owned by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (PTPN VIII) can become Boboers, and all tourism can be completed in a fresh tea garden.
Actually, this Mushroom Park is not an official Tourist place, so there are no public amenities accessible here, besides that Boboers may also freely enter without being charged. But even though the entrance is free, do not waste it haphazardly
Film Park
Film Park is one of the thematic parks and Public open areas in Bandung city,y that’s situated under the Pasupati Bridge. The playground has the concept of a contemporary open-air cinema, a so that residents can move around the park and also get free movie viewing centers.
Photography Park
It seems like Bandung knows very well if now there are plenty of photographers getting post-Instagram, etc. That is why there’s a Photography park here. Therefore, Boboers does not bother searching for exceptional objects.
Love Padlock Park
Taman GembokCinta is actually Bandung City Hall Park. But it is intriguing because here is the Monument of this Love Padlock. This monument is made from iron and ram wire with a prism shape Measuring 2.5 square meters and two meters high. On it is the reddish “love” letter. What makes it exceptional, the padlock of love at Bandung Is decorated with colorful lights at nighttime. So it is more beautiful!