Getting married? Remember these 4 oft-forgotten details

I’m sure you’ve poured a lot of time choosing your dress, selecting your location and rehearsing the ceremony. But these four details are often overlooked and can derail your whole night. Make sure you take care of them.

Rental car

If you’re having a wedding far from home, don’t forget to rent a car to get you to your location. With people shuffling about, taking various cars to run assorted last-minute errands, sometimes the bride is left all dressed up and no way to get to the ceremony. Make sure you rent your car in advance from someplace like Dollar Rent a Car and make sure it’s available to get the blushing bride to the alter.

Image result for Getting married? rental car

Comfortable shoes

You won’t be wearing them to the alter, but you’ll need comfortable shoes through the rest of your trip. Even the bride must use her feet a lot: run to this room to get her makeup done, now the other room for her hair. She can’t be wearing her fancy, blister-inducing heels the whole time. I suggest wearing whatever you would wear on a long walk.


Unless you have a DJ, you’ll need a music playlist. A lot of couples put this off until the last minute, but that increases the chance that you’ll screw it up and end up hearing death metal as you walk down the aisle. Make your playlist early and make sure whoever is putting the music on for you knows what to do. I used iTunes for my wedding—like many, we set it up at the last minute—and we hit a snafu because it had been set to shuffle and, in our rush, we didn’t notice. Don’t let that happen to you!


It’s a tiny detail, but it’s often forgotten. Your ring bearer is supposed to bring the ring down the aisle on a pillow. Make sure you swing by a craft store, such as Michael’s or Joanne, buy a tiny pillow and keep it packed with your wedding supplies.


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