The pandemic has effectively changed our lifestyle and how we go about planning normal activities and events like weddings are of course one of the many affected heavily. Of course, it doesn’t mean one will go about without ever marrying. There are just several new protocols and care one needs to implement for a safe wedding.
- Hire A Planner
A good way to plan your wedding in a pandemic is to hire the services of a professional. Not only will they assist you in planning according to your wishes but they also are well informed on the current rules and protocols in arranging weddings during a pandemic, which will save you a lot of headache during the planning phases.
- Smaller Guest Count
During a pandemic, it is recommended to call a smaller number of guests as this will reduce the risk of infection and is also easier to maintain sanitization and safety in general. Many states have rules set up on how many people can attend a wedding.
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- Take It Outside (Open-Air Venue)
An open-air venue is nowadays more appreciated as guests aren’t subjected to an enclosed space but rather outside with the natural air. Make sure to check for weather predictions before planning your dates.
- Invite Guests With An Online Invitation
Physical cards are discouraged nowadays as they could be carriers of the covid 19 viruses. In its place, online Indian wedding invitations have gained more popularity in recent months. Not only are they safer but also, they are much more economical and environmentally friendly
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- Socially-Distanced Seating Arrangements
It is now mandatory, to arrange seating arrangements with at least 6ft distance between each chair. This is to ensure the least amount of close contamination; many states have made this mandatory in all public spaces and have also advised organizers of any event to follow the rule strictly.
- Tell Everyone The Rules
Consider having covid 19 guidelines and rules printed in the online Indian wedding invitation card. this will keep everyone attending your wedding up to date on the rules and regulations.
- Set Up Hygiene Station
- Provide hand sanitizing stations in key places like the entry gates, the hallway, and dining spaces.
- Everyone should wear their masks, and ensure to have this written. However, it always is a possibility someone might have forgotten it or lose it. So, purchase a few extra masks for guests at the event.
- Have temperature checks in entry gates, someone with high-temperature ratings should be separated from the crowd and check for other symptoms
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- Plated Meals Instead Of A Buffet
Traditionally, a wedding means buffets however with the pandemic as it is. Wedding organizers are advised to organize plated meals instead of the usual buffet system, as this eliminates touching thing physically which could cause contamination
- The Staff Safety Measures
The wedding staff for hire should be properly trained and equipped in the safety and health protocols to be maintained during the wedding event including in the circumstance that a person is showing signs of covid. The staff must be prepared to handle the situation and handover it to the relevant experts.
- Have The Ceremony Now And The Party Later
A typical wedding comprises of the wedding rituals and celebrations that follow however with the current pandemic scenario consider partying later. Consider planning only for the wedding and have the celebrations planned out on a later date when things settle down. There will be another time to celebrate, but getting ill is a chance you want to avoid.