Proven Techniques to Ensure a Diamond is Authentic

While various tests can be used by dealers to convince their clients that they are selling genuine diamond rings (ขาย แหวน เพชร แท้, which is the term in Thai), it is advised to have a professional diamond expert assist you in determining if a diamond is real.

With the help of a gemologist will give you will be sure to have a peace of mind because several expert methods and tools are used to determine if a diamond is authentic.

 Inspecting a Diamond with a Loupe

A diamond professional will most definitely have access to a loupe (a special magnifying glass used for diamonds, gemstones, and jewelry). When using a loupe, a professional will look for imperfections and blemishes within the diamond. While a fake diamond can be entirely constructed, a diamond will have small imperfections known as inclusions.

 Using a Thermal Conductivity Probe (also called “The Diamond Tester”)

In addition to a loupe, a diamond professional usually makes use of a thermal conductivity probe or meter. They will use this tool to ascertain the thermal conductivity of a gemstone. Because diamonds are active heat conductors, the diamond will dissipate heat quickly after being warmed.

If the gemstone dissipates heat at a slower rate, the diamond is a fake. Note that synthetic moissanite stones usually have equal or similar heat dispersement as real diamonds, which makes this test inconclusive with moissanite. There are many diamond testers available today, so you can choose whichever one that suits you.

Identify a Fake Diamond Using Electricity Conductivity

Detecting a fake diamond can also be done using an electrical conductivity test performed by a  gemologist or jeweler. Diamonds are better electricity conductor than other stones, including the problematic synthetic moissanite.

An electricity tester will give a clear sign as to whether or not the stone is real or constructed by a lab. A diamond will show conductivity, whereas other stones like cubic zirconia and moissanite will not.

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