Spooky Halloween Flower Arrangement Ideas

Are you tired of buying the same old Halloween decorations that flood the market every year? No worries! This article will help you with ideas to decorate your home for Halloween this year with many spooky ideas using fresh flowers. You don’t have to limit yourself to the regular black and orange Halloween flowers. Instead you can go for red, purple, green and white colored flowers, which blends perfectly with the spirit of Halloween’s Eve.

  • Carve a Pumpkin Flower Vase – Get a few pumpkins of various sizes from the supermarket, cut the top, scrape out all the seeds and draw (but don’t carve) the Jack-o-lanterns. You can use these hollowed out pumpkins as flower vases. Fill up this hollowed pumpkin with white Hydrangeas and deep orange Ranunculus flowers to create the perfect centerpiece. This is so easy to make, you just have to add soaked floral foam into the emptied pumpkin and press the stems of flowers into the foam, until the pumpkin overflows. To get fresh flowers for this activity, you can always order from the flower shops that offer same day flower delivery Lafayette CO.
  • Turn Skull into Vases – Along with the pumpkin table centerpiece, you can also put fresh blooms inside a plastic skull –  it is sure to bring a haunting effect on Halloween night. The darker colored flowers you opt for, the spookier will it be. If you are confused on what flowers to choose, you can always get the help of a florist from the flower shops in Lafayette CO, who will help you choose the right flowers.
  • Fall Wreath – You can convert an ordinary twig into a plush floral masterpiece simply by attaching bright and fresh flowers to it. For this, you can choose flowers in shades of orange, pink, red, and yellow. You can also add dark green colored leaves and a few springs of berries to create the Halloween effect.  You can get the freshest of blooms with same day flower delivery in Lafayette CO.
  • Feature Succulents – You can attach succulents to an emptied pumpkin and arrange succulents of various sizes on the top.  This will turn out to be a gorgeous centerpiece that will stay fresh on your table for weeks, with proper care. You just have to lightly mist the plants once a day, to keep them fresh. This is one of the best decorations for kids to keep them engaged and care for the plants through the fall season.
  • Gourd Vases – Just like the pumpkins, Gourds are also a versatile Halloween decorative object that can add a whimsical look to your table. All you have to do is just to select gourds that can stand on their own and place a glass inside it to fill with the flowers like roses and dahlias. You can get the fresh flowers delivered at your doorstep with flower delivery Lafayette CO.

You can easily make these floral centerpieces by yourself. All you need is a few Halloween-themed trinkets and your favorite assortment of flowers. Enjoy decorating, and make your home the most haunting one in your area!

Author Bio:

The author runs one of the best flower shops in Lafayette CO. He is a passionate blogger, who loves writing about flowers, their uses and various tips related to it. Visit http://lafayetteflorist.com/ for more details.

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