Why you should go with diamond alternative for your wedding bands?

Diamonds are forever. They are the gemstone that everyone has heard of and everyone wants. They are a simple sign or love and are found in a vast majority of engagement rings and wedding bands. But is it worth putting all that money into something as simple as a wedding band? Diamonds are beautiful, but why not try a diamond alternative? There are plenty of options that we will discuss that offer longevity, beauty, and glamour, all while helping you save money.

Let us start with moissanite. This is one of the best alternatives to a natural diamond. Moissanite is a gemstone made in space – literally, it was found in a meteorite and is officially a space gemstone. Moissanite was originally found in a meteorite in the late 1800s by a French scientist. The moissanite stones he found looked so similar to diamonds that he actually thought he had discovered diamonds inside the meteorite. Later it was discovered to actually be made of silicon carbide, not carbon like a diamond.

Since is it is such a rare gemstone, moissanite is almost strictly a lab-created stone nowadays. Although that doesn’t sound fancy or classy, moissanite offers more brilliance and more fire dispersion than a diamond. Yes, it literally will look better than a comparative diamond. This is a big reason why moissanite engagement rings are cheaper than diamond engagement rings, but they usually cost a fraction of the price. In other words, you get more value for your money. Sounds like a win to any sensible person. If you are looking for a cheaper option, but still want the glitz and the glam, then looking into moissanite wedding bands might be the choice for you.

The next best choice would be looking at a super cheap option like carbon zirconium – often simply referred to as CZ. Carbon Zirconium is a cheap alternative to diamonds as it is the lab-created version of a diamond. It offers a lot of the benefits of diamonds but usually runs at just a fraction of the price. You can get a CZ stone for up to 95% off a comparable diamond. This price point helps lure a lot of individuals on a budget into looking into carbon zirconium, but it is important to know that it does come with a few drawbacks.

While carbon zirconium might sound like a good option, it is important to note that it will not last forever. Diamonds don’t scratch, color or fade, but a cz stone will often scratch, color, and fade over time, which is one of the main differences between the natural stone and the lab-created stone. They are both made with a base of carbon, but carbon zirconium has a mix of other materials, which make it not officially a diamond. Generally speaking, cz jewelry will last a couple years before you start noticing defects, making it a great short term option if you are on a budget or looking for a temporary ring or band.

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